terça-feira, 14 de abril de 2009

The Abrahammer I mashup´s

MYSPACE http://www.myspace.com/theabrahammer

The Abrahammer is a beat maker and a big fan of Hot Biscuits, what more could you ask for? How about good mash ups? Well, you’re in luck because I’ve got some right here that are brought to you by The Abrahammer himself. The only way I can really explain the style is that they are just straight party tracks; the kind of tracks that get a crowd into it.
“What Was Your Childhood Like?” and “B Is For” are my picks. “B Is For” has a SICK mash up of something French (?), Daft Punk and Justice, so, I mean, yeah. “What Was Your Childhood Like?” features The Who with some Public Enemy on the mic, its time to step up your game kids!

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